Thursday, February 16, 2012

Islamophobia in the West and the East!!!

BismiAllahi Al-Rahman Al-Raheem " In The Name of Allah The Most Merciful The Specially Merciful ".

Growing up seeing some American movies shows how much the hatred against Islam.  The directors even make the Muslims themselves feel that other Muslims are evil.  This has spread to the East, in movies, talk shows and newspaper!!!.  It's weird that all people think most religions call for peace and Islam does not?  Let`s think about the word Islam and what it means.  Islam means surrender and submit to the Only God who is worthy to be worshiped.  The greeting in Islam " Assalaamu Alykum " means peace be upon you ".  

It's ironic that now Muslims think that Islam should adjust to the way we live, or modernize.  Allah, the most glorious, said in the Quran "This day, those who disbelieved have given up all hope of your religion, so fear them not, but fear Me. This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam (total submission to God) as your religion. ..." 5:3, Allah, the most glorious, reveled  Islam for all eras.

We are humans we need to use our mind to say what’s correct and true.  People should STOP and think, ‘Is what’s being said and told to us through the  media true or not?  How about stop learning from the media and go to the source.  Our source in Islam is the Holly Quran.  To read the Quran,  please click here.  It`s funny that a Muslim woman asked me ‘You are Salafi?’ (Salafi means ancestor and refers to people in Islam who are religious and following the path of the Prophet Muhammad, pbuh, and his companions.)  She continued ‘I heard salafi men were running after people with steaks to make them grow their beard!’  I said is not funny, I am not running after people.  Do you see steak in my hand?!!  It's happening now every where even to the Muslims. The media is making people scared from Muslims who only fear their Lord and are not hypocrite. We are being honest with people, this is how we are, we are doing our best to obey Allah. If we make a mistake correct us and if we did right support us. We need to learn how to live together without being scared that I’ll lock you in the house or make you grow your beard. This is not what Islam is about. Islam is about the truth and the best way of life to humanity!

1 comment:

  1. Mash'Allah very good. Makes you stop and think about how the media plays a big role in how people think. Insha'Allah we all begin to rely on our own thought-processes and aren't as accepting to the spoon-fed antics of media. Keep up the good work!
